* To change the mouse cursor, please disable the 'update interval other tab' 'update interval of hiding mouse cursor'. * To change mouse cursor please copy 'CrossHair.cur' to 'sv folder'. * Please copy 'HOTD4_MouseFix.exe' to the game folder when using. Support for argonlefou's 'HOTD4_MouseFix.exe' automatic startup.* When you hide the mouse cursor at all times, please set 'update interval other tab' 'update interval of hiding mouse cursor' to '0'. * To change the resolution when setting the full screen mode, enable 'Change the full screen resolution' on the 'Loader setting 1' tab. * Again, OpenGL can not change the window size. * To change the resolution, please use the executable file for Game Loader (see exe list.txt). * The executable file name is 'vt3_Lindbergh'.