Several times he wrote letters protesting against the treatment of the Jews. During Rommel's time in France, Hitler ordered him to deport the country's Jewish population Rommel disobeyed. Orders to kill Jewish soldiers, civilians and captured commandos were ignored. His troops were never accused of war crimes, and soldiers captured during his Africa campaign were reported to have been treated humanely. Numerous examples exist of Rommel's chivalry towards Allied POWs, including ensuring they were provided with adequate rations. His view of humanity went beyond Germans to include the captured soldiers of his adversaries.
Rommel is regarded as having been a humane and professional officer. His leadership of German and Italian forces in the North African campaign established him as one of the most able commanders of the war.
He earned the respect of both his own troops and his enemies. He is best known as the Desert Fox & was a German field marshal of World War II. Professor Erwin Rommel Senior (1860–1913)